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Appendices Overview


Here are the Appendices to the Drake's Drum timeline. They contain information on technical aspects of the Drake's Drum universe, this is the place where all the technical detail that's too 'in depth' for the book gets put. There are fact files on aircraft, ships, vehicles and engines as well as Orders of Battle and profiles of armed forces and industries. If a button is grey then it hasn't been attached to a fact file yet. This is an expanding project and these pages will be updated as frequently as possible.

            The Appendices take the form of extracts from a book. For instance, Peterson's Fighting Ships will tell you all about the navies and warships of this timeline. It's a bit like Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships in our own timeline. Of course, space prevents  me from including every single aircraft, ship or vehicle from the Drake's Drum timeline so I have concentrated on those that are different to our time line, or unique to this time line. So if you don't find it here, it's the same as it is in our reality. 

            The pages in each Appendix are standard letter size - 8 1/2 X 11 inches (21.6 X 27.9 cm). The drawings in The Armoured Fighting Vehicles volume are 1/72nd Scale. The drawings in the Fighting Ships volume are 1/1200 Scale except where otherwise stated. The drawings in the Military Aircraft volume are 1/120th Scale unless otherwise stated.


​Appendices Disclaimer: 


Many of the vehicles, vessels, aircraft, engines and other mechanical contrivances portrayed in  Drake’s Drum, including the appendices, are completely fictional. Although almost all are derived from real designs, most were never built in our time line and most of those that were, are altered in some way in this time line. Nothing in the appendices  can be relied on to be real.

         Most of the photographs found in the appendices have been altered using Photoshop. The photographs are derived from public domain images and are works of fiction. Most of the UK sourced images are Crown Copyright which expires after 50 years. The rest are from one of the following sources; Associated Press, Australian War Memorial, Bundesarchiv, EN-Archive, Imperial War Museum, Library of Congress, US Navy, US Army, US Air Force.

         Some of the pictures in Peterson's Fighting Ships were made by a denizon of the internet who prefered to be known only as ‘Alt Naval’. Unfortunately both he and his wonderful website no longer seem to be around but I obtained his permission to use them years ago, back when this project was known as ‘The Dark Colossus’.

         If anyone has reason to believe that any of the images used here are, or are derived from, images which are not in the public domain please contact the webmaster of this site.

Petersons armoured fighting vehicles.jpg
Petersons fighting ships.jpg

© 2021 by Created with

Although Drake’s Drum is based on historical events it is a work of fiction. Any perceived similarity to any of the people portrayed in this book, be they living or dead, including their actions and the events that occor are entirely coincidental. Although the names of historical persons are used in Drake’s Drum, they are not necessarily the same people that inhabit our reality.

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